How to register 1. From Europe Send us the order form together with - an Eurocheque in Swiss Francs, in the amount of SFr. 35.-+5.-(Personal Licence+S&H) - cash (foreign currency: banknote-exchange rate buy, no coins please), at your own risk! - a simultaneous transfer of SFr. 35.-+5.-(Personal Licence+S&H) to my Swiss postal account Nr 30-87193-6. This works fine from most European countries. Please do not forget to write on the coupon your name, address and country! 2. From the USA Send us the order form together with - a personal check or cashier's check drawn on a US bank in the amount of US$ 36.- - check in Swiss francs drawn on a Swiss bank. - Cash: US$ 36.-, at your own risk! 3. From Canada or Australia Send us the order form together with - a check in CAN$/AUS$ in the amount of CAN$/AUS$ 44.-+$6.-S&H (drawn on a Canadian / Australian bank) - the same amount in cash 4. From South Africa If you live in South Africa, I have now an official distribution site there! Please send a check or Postal Order or your Credit Card details together with the order form to Windows Commander Registration S.P. Systems cc P.O. Box 74749 Lynnwood Ridge 0040 At the moment, I'm not setting up new distribution sites because of bad experience in one country. 5. On CompuServe 1. In WINCIM, click on the traffic light icon and type SWREG. This brings you to the Software registration forum. 2. Choose option 2, Register Shareware. The price per registration is US$ 32.- + US$ 5 S&H. 3. In the search criteria, choose option 1, the REGISTRATION ID. The registration ID for the English (and international) version is 2013. The registration ID for the German version is 2014. 4. Make sure the displayed program description fits to Windows Commander and the correct language. You are prompted to enter your address and the number of copies you want. See below for the calculation of the multiple licences discount! You will get one Disk for each SWREG order, together with the licence to install the program on the desired number of computers. Your Compuserve account will then be charged with the registration fee, and we'll be noticed of your registration. Please allow at least 2 weeks for delivery. IMPORTANT: If you want your company name in the title bar, you must enter an X and a ":" in front of the company name, e.g. X:MYCOMPANY. Otherwise, your name will appear in the title bar!!! Calculation of the discount for multiple licences (Compuserve SWREG): You normally need to fill in a smaller number of licences than you actually need! First, calculate the cost for the desired amount of licences in Swiss francs (Use table on the order form). Multiply the result with 0.9 to get the amount in $US. Multiply by 1,177 (Compuserve fees). Divide the result by 37.- (price per single licence on CIS) and round up to the next integer number. The resulting number must be given to SWREG. Example: You want 25 licences of Windows Commander Price in SFr.: 1x35.- + 9x20.- + 15x15.-+5.-S&H = SFr. 445.- Price in $US: SFr. 445.- * 0.9 = $US 400.50 With Compuserve fees (x1.177) = $US 471.40 divided by 37 = 12.74 Rounded up to next integer: 13 You would have to pay for only 13 licences to get 25. Compuserve will bill you for 13x37+5S&H=$US481.-. If you have questions (or the calculation is too complicated for you), just send EMail to my CIS ID. For large quantities, it is much cheaper to send a cheque! Updates As soon as you are registered, (until further notice) all updates are free, provided that you get the latest version yourself. Just install the new (shareware) version over the old one. The only important thing is to keep the file wincmd.key. You can find the latest shareware version on CompuServe WINSHARE, Lib 2, file name wcmd????.zip, and on the Internet: If you don't have access to a modem, you can get the program directly from us by sending a check in the amount of US$/SFr. 15.- or US$ 10.-/SFr. 10.- cash. Bug reports If you find a bug in Wincmd you can report it at one of the addresses mentioned below. Please provide the following information: - an exact description of the bug (how can it be reproduced?) - version number and repease date of Windows Commander (see Help-about Wincmd) - Windows version - The file wincmd.ini - For GPFs: The error address, and if possible a sowie drwatson.log produced by drwatson.exe (Windows 3.1) or the contents of the error box displayed by Windows 95. Support Please first read the FAQ and visit our WWW page on the internet: If you still have questions or bug reports, you can reach me at the following addresses: - If you're on the Internet, write to This address can also be reached from Fidonet and AOL (ask your sysop!). - On Compuserve, write to my CIS account 100332,1175. - On ILINK or SWISSLINK, write to Christian Ghisler in the Windows conference. - If you live in South Africa, call my official distributor S.P. Systems cc at (012) 348-6060 - You can also write to my postal address: C. Ghisler & Co. Christian Ghisler Lindenmattstr. 60 CH-3065 Bolligen Switzerland - Please do NOT call me at home!